Online Hair Booking

Monday, June 16, 2014

Oil Painting lesson with Gregory Smith - Day 9

Today, Greg did a portrait painting demo.
My client Yoko kindly spent three hours as our model.

After an initial Raw Umber wash, he quickly established simple, basic shape with Light Red.
His palette is very limited. White, Naples Yellow Deep, Light Red, Cad Lemon, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, Raw Umber and Ivory Black.
He also used a bit of Cad Red and Alizarin. 

After the second session, it seemed almost finished. However, he said that's just a beginning and he'll embark on a study of light.

It's really fascinating to see its shape slowly start to emerge. Layer on layer, small correction here and there. It's just like a magic.

I thoroughly enjoyed the demo, it certainly gave me a lot of inspiration. 

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