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Tuesday, June 27, 2017

The Muralist by B.A. Shapiro

Another gripping story from Audible, narrated by Xe Sands. 


As in the case of The Art Forger, the author successfully interweaves fiction and history, this time, of the pre-war art scene in New York. 
Pollock, Rothko, Lee Krasner... they were all there, working for WPA (Works Progress Administration), founded by FDR.  

The basic structure of the story is the same as the previous one. The past and the present go back and forth, but, it's never confusing, thanks to very clever style of her writing. 

The Holocaust, refugees in Europe, FDR's immigration policy, Eleanor Roosevelt.... all contribute to the added dimensions of the story. Fascinating fusion of political and art history. 

I can't help but feel the ending is a bit too rushed and predictable, but, I thoroughly enjoyed it. 

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